But if you need more than iMessage offers, then consider Telegram, Signal, or even Skype. Personally, iMessage meets all my messaging needs and syncs perfectly across all my Apple devices. In the meantime, if you’re looking for a WhatsApp alternative, there are quite a few to choose from. As previously reported by iMore, WhatsApp head Will Cathcart said, the company would 'love to do it' but did not provide any additional details. However, it is worth noting that the higher-ups at the company are aware of the needs of its users. But while there have been several rumors and even some official reports about the possibility of an upcoming WhatsApp app for iPad, there is no concrete release date. Well, until the company launches an official iPad app. This isn’t ideal but it is currently the only way to get WhatsApp fully functional on your iPad. Go back to your Home Screen, and you should now see the new icon/bookmark you created. You can type in whatever you want, but it’s probably easier to just leave it as “WhatsApp” and you’ll see as the target address.ġ3. Once this is done, then we already have the possibility to proceed to our tablet, open Google plus Play, search for WhatsApp Messenger and proceed with its installation. You’ll then have the option to choose a name for your new bookmark. If you are not yet a tester of the famous messaging app, you can sign up for the WhatsApp testing program from this link.